20 Weeks...

Well, we have made it to the halfway point (according to my "due date" we are actually a few weeks past halfway)... but nevertheless... WOOHOO!

There are so many WONDERFUL memories that we made this week.... most notably would be moving in to our new house. We are finally in the home that we will start our little family in... and I can't even believe I wrote "finally" seeing as this all happened so fast. I can hardly believe that in about 4 months we will bringing Baby Rector home, here in Coppell, to our little nest. Ours... not something we are renting, OURS!! I can't wait to have the laughter, tears, joyous moments, landmarks, etc. happen in these walls.

Also noted, I cannot button my pants anymore (well, I technically can, it is just terribly inappropriate if I was planning to retain any dignity). So, I have purchased the belly band! I obviously don't exactly know how to use it yet, seeing as it is hanging out of my shirt in this picture!

Aside of the house, the most exciting thing this week is the literal KICKS I am feeling in my stomach! We have moved beyond the "butterflies" (although I still kind of get those) to what I would call distinct kicks that are VERY obvious! Our little soccer player or dancer is already working out those legs...! With this fun little detail also has come a little bugger... I can't breathe at night. It is like a constant cold feeling when I lay down! Solution: I now sleep on an incline and feel huge next to BJ, oh well, it works!

We are heading to the doctor on Monday morning and excited to hear that heartbeat once again.... too bad we can't look at the screen, we DO NOT want to know what we are having so it is just safest not to look ;)!


Mindy Rives said…
I think you should start taking your belly pics in the nursery. The blue walls would look great in the background.
Yay for baby Rector! You look A-dorable! :) Love the new house too. It is beautiful.
Allison said…
I just LOVE keeping up with your growing family. You are such a gorgeous gal, and especially so with that expectant glow! So glad you guys are enjoying life. Many congrats! - Allison (Horton) Murphy

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