Tripp :: 10 Months Old

Buddy! You are 10 months old.... and we are LOVING this stage. This month has definitely been one of many firsts, and like I say every month, went by at lightening speed! It seems like every day you are not only learning, but doing, something new and more of your little personality is starting to shine through. Sure, we definitely had some rough spots, but by and by you have turned out to be quite the keeper. We are just so thankful for you, for your health, for your continued growth and for the miracle you are.... we do not take our days with you for granted and pray that we never do... even the hard ones.
Speaking of hard.... how about them teeth, little guy?? I can finally say we have pushed through the hardest part (to date) and your top teeth are in! WOOHOO! Not going to lie, you rocked a one-tooth-magoo look most of this month and you were the butt of many jokes. We are SO glad that other big tooth decided to join the party... if for nothing else, for sleep's sake! Your naps have been AMAZING ever since that little guy came out.
Amazing naps?? Well, you are no Eleanor when it comes to snoozing, but I am pretty much getting about 45 minutes from you in the morning and 1.5 hours from you in the afternoon.... hey, its not much but I will take it. Your schedule has pretty much stayed the same in that you are up at 7:15 to nurse, nap at 9:30, nap at 1:15 and bed at 7:30pm.
Okay the GREATEST OF ALL MIRACLES has occurred.... Tripper, you now drink from a cup!! Not like, oh hey, you have done it once let's hope it sticks (read: bottle), no, you officially drink from cups like a big boy for all of the milk that you drink... the only times you don't are when I still nurse you (first thing in the morning and right before bed). Whattup, freedom?? Loving it, boy.
What else do you do like a rock star? You eat. and eat. and eat. Literally you out-eat Eleanor by a mile everyday. Every morning you eat oatmeal or cereal, for lunch you will normally eat either a squeezie or baby food along with cheese, fruit, turkey.... and dinner, I mean boy, you go to town. You have not met a food that you didn't like. And I just adore that about you. Your very favorites right now? Graham crackers, Yogurt Melts, Bananas, Grapes, Turkey and Cheese. If you are crying, we can pretty much bet you are "starving".
You talk all day long.... do you make sense? Nope. But you say "dadadadada" all day. Nothing else yet. I will say, your first work was "mama"... daddy and I both heard it once, maybe twice, and now we cannot get you to repeat it. I say "mama" and you holler back, "dadda". You love yourself the phone... or anything that you can use like a phone... you pick it up to your ear and just immediately start exclaiming, "dada...."
You are such a fast crawler.... on both knees or really the one knee/one foot thing. But if you have something in mind, we have to literally run to beat you to it (read: shoes, remotes or TV system). You are trying really hard to stand up, which means you end up looking like you are trying to do a forward roll, often. You are cruising like crazy.... who knows if you really will, but I bet you are walking before your birthday.
Your hair is getting even more ridiculous. I love that it is coming in thick and long, but I have no clue what to do with a little boys' hair that you can't hold back with a bow.
You and Eleanor have really started playing together.... I am loving this. I literally record you both on my phone playing all of the time because it is just so sweet. She exclaims, "follow me Tripper" and you go.... every time. Playing kitchen, reading books, singing songs, letting her push you in the swing.... she makes you happy. And you make her happy. And you both make me insanely happy.
You LOVE LOVE LOVE playing with balls.... basketballs, footballs, ball-pits, baseballs, bouncy balls.... buddy, we hand you a ball and you throw it. You try to catch. You roll it all over the place and try to go get it. I mean, this is making your baseball-loving daddy very happy. I can't wait to put a racquet in your hand one day and see if tennis wins... we will see :).
You are a screamer... so is Eleanor. I am really wondering where you guys got this from. I mean, I don't remember ever hearing that I was a screamer?? The good news is that the screams typically come from something that makes you excited.... like clinch your fists in a ball and scream at the highest possible decibel. Eleanor is all over this little thing and typically likes to get in screaming matches with you.... MULTIPLE times a day, oy vey.
 You are still in size 6-12 month clothes, size 4 diapers and even though you are really tall, I feel like you are just a little guy. Your rolls and chunks are slimming down.... its the sprints you go on, buddy.
You are obsessed with trying to get into cabinets and know that the only ones that do not have child locks on them are in the guest bathroom.... guess which room is your favorite in the house?? Ya, we pretty much have that room closed off all the time and just need to go ahead and add those safety things there.
You really are the nicest little boy I know. You smile with the biggest dimples if someone even looks at you, you bury your head in my chest when you get shy, you wave to anyone and laugh at anything. Its so sweet.
You love blowing raspberries... in the air or on our skin. They make you laugh... and us too.
Tripper, boo boo boy you are just so great. Truly just the sweetest, cuddliest little guy and growing up to be all boy, for sure. I can't wait to see that. I can't wait to hear your real first words. I can't wait to see you and Eleanor running around playing together, laughing and telling little secrets. I can't wait to see the man that you become. We named you William Joseph because we truly believe you will be a leader of men, brave and a fighter for worthy causes. We pray you fall in love with Jesus at an early age and trust solely in the saving GRACE His love provides. Buddy, you are really cool. And we love you. a lot.


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