30 Weeks

Yep, unfortunately it is true.... I have failed again at getting a weekly preggo pick taken in my original spot. Hey, at least I do have this pic (albeit stolen from a group picture). This week was just quite the busy / interesting one for the family. Daddy went out of town on business, Eleanor had her first ear infection and well, when Daddy got back into town he and Momma both got the stomach flu... so hey, at least we are all still standing!

Not only that, I am really feeling good (minus the stomach flu part, that thankfully left this morning!)... BR #2, you are just a mover and a shaker. You are constantly wiggling, pushing and prodding on Momma's tummy... it definitely sometimes hurts, but I just love the feeling. I totally remember this stage from when Eleanor was inside (more than initial kicks)... sometimes it is hard to even catch a full breath - but I am so so thankful for these movements and pray that you keep it up (just slim them down a bit at night, eh?).

We are STARTING to get ready for your arrival - that just sounds ridiculous, but we are beginning to get things ready for you to make an entrance. Last week when Daddy was out out town, Dot Dot came to spend a few days to help me out just organizing and "nesting" (I am starting this BIG TIME). We went through all of Eleanor's clothes and filled 4 tubs full into different categories of sizes.... and we even have a baby boy tub ready to go... since we didn't know if Eleanor was a boy or girl before she came, either, so many people gave either gender neutral or boy and girl things... so Momma has some baby boy clothes ready to go for the first week or so of your life :).... if needed. Still can't decide if I have a feeling either way... I honestly have NO hunch as to what I think you are... I love it!  We also officially moved Eleanor to a big girl car seat yesterday... no more Orbit for her. Nope, that sucker is getting cleaned and ready for YOU!! I get tears in my eyes just thinking about both things: 1. That Eleanor is no longer in the car seat we brought her home from the hospital in and 2. That in less than 2 months YOU will be. I just can't wait, BR #2. Can't wait.

BR #2, we pray this week that you have a heart of Mercy.... that you would respond to the generous outpouring of Mercy that Christ offers to your life and that you would daily feel the weight of this magnificent pardoning He offers through His death and resurrection, just through believing it is complete in Him, alone. If you truly understand, accept and believe this radical and humbling redemption - you will then not only be more willing, but only then will you be capable of offering mercy to others.... when you allow the gospel message of Christ's salvation to take root in your heart, you then allow the Spirit to begin moving in you to give you the dislocated heart off of yourself and onto a dying world, a hurting friend, a bitter enemy... a heart that looks very different than the rest of the world... one that would be eager to heal, slow to judge, to forgive, restore and aid when necessary.  Our prayer would be that it wouldn't be morality or "social justice" that drives you to have a heart that cares to serve, but that it would be the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in your precious life that simply overflows as worship to your Creator and Savior : a true response based on the great mercy He poured out for you. BR #2, this idea, this goal is not an easy one to attain or to purely profess as the act of the Spirit... but we pray that your sweet heart is so fully wrapped in the overwhelming assurance of the gospel that again, it is the evidence of the Spirit working in your life. BR #2, hurry up and get here, as we can't wait to meet you.... but stay in until you are supposed to, ok? We love you, sweet one.

Matthew 5:7 
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

Matthew 25: 34-39
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

James 3:17
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."


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