Hawaii 2011 - Day Three...

We had such an exciting day planned on Tuesday.... but again, we all woke up fairly early so decided that we should start off with a good walk down the board walk to the different resorts..... Eleanor put on her hat and shades and we were OFF :)..... Pa-Paw pushed the stroller the whole time, you would think he was used to it, I guess :)... watching her two days a week while I was working this past year surely gave him quite the practice!Of course that meant we had to take a quick stop in the sand, as well... we wanted to see how Eleanor responded to the beach this time!
Daddy loving on his little girl....And putting those toesies back in the sand, again! I LOVE this picture... I know that it is one we will cherish as Eleanor gets older, and bigger... our teeny little punkin is just too much, here.Wanting Momma's sunglasses (the usual)...
And our little drama queen... already adores big sunglasses (and shoes, just not on the beach)....
So. Cute.
After our walk and Eleanor's nap, we all headed to take BJ and I to Plantation Golf Course up in Kapalua.... it is about 3 miles past our resort and the home of the kickoff tournament for the PGA season.... to say the least, BJ was ecstatic to be playing this course!! This round of golf was his birthday present from me and Eleanor, and he was pumped, although nervous because he heard how hard it is!The view the entire time was BREATHTAKING!!!! The course was designed to go up and gown the cliffs, all the while looking over the ocean on every whole and playing around the natural forest they maintained in various spots.... unbelievable!We played in a four-some with another couple on their honeymoon from Italy (only the husband played) and a couple who moved to Hawaii 10 years ago to make Kapalua their home.... they play the course 4 times a week and we were SO grateful to have them alongside as they were a GREAT help to BJ on the different holes...... let's just go ahead and put it out there that this is HANDS-DOWN the hardest course BJ has ever (and may ever) played. Any guidance along the way he received was much appreciated... and they were great to let us know so much about the island, as well... not just the golf course. Golfing with them was a blast!BJ and I on the tee box for Hole #3.... obviously, preggo didn't play.BJ on some hole... who knows.... but look at that scenery!
So apparently, a lot of wealthy people own homes in the club... like I would doubt it. I forgot who these are, but I think one of them belongs to the owner or coach of the New York Yankees... another belongs to the owner of the Country Club (a Japanese billionaire businessman).
My baby swinging his club in the sun :)....
So apparently, the green that BJ is playing on is not only difficult to manage, but at the last PGA tournament not ONE of the PRO golfers reached the green within two strokes (from the tournament tee, not the pro tee).... well, BJ did. Good job, honey!
The 18th hole... what a GLORIOUS shot!
We had SO much fun on the course... truly a great memory that I am so glad to we had the opportunity to create! BJ's goal was to shoot a 100 and he shot a 103... not bad, AT ALL if you ask me.... if he could take back Hole #1, he would have been well under 100... but that is another story :).
While we were golfing, Nanna and Pa-Paw took Eleanor to the Maui Aquarium... seeing as Eleanor loves animals we figured this would be a blast for her... well, cue little miss' attitude and desire for Daddy this trip. She didn't really love it, but instead kind of whined and pouted all day for them... darn. As soon as she saw Daddy after golf, she would NOT let him out of her sight.

We were wiped from our round and since Eleanor didn't have the best afternoon, we decided to order pizza and stay in the villa that night. When Eleanor went down, we taught Nanna and Pa-Paw how to play 42... Donna and I were on the same team and beat the boys... WHOOP!


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