Eleanor :: Thirteen Months Old

So, in order to set myself up for success.... I told myself that outside of the pregnancy series, I was going to be a faithful scribe for each of our children's first year of life. Committing to monthly posts (like I did for Eleanor) to note how quickly they change from newborn to toddler.... going beyond that (with as many kids as we want) is a commitment I don't want to make in fear that kids down the road really get the shaft :). However..... there are just too many things I don't want to forget that Eleanor is doing right now, so an update is necessary:

*We have a full-blown walker.... sometimes runner. It took Eleanor about 2 weeks to really feel comfortable with walking (and she definitely preferred crawling) but I would say by the time we hit 13 months she was not only a walker, but a RUNNER. She is so confident on her feet, even though it looks awfully wobbly....

*She has NO fear. We often say that about the pool because I really do think it we let her she would try to jump off of the diving board already. But she also isn't afraid when she has crashes... she gets really excited sometimes when running and just trips over her feet.... but she has yet to miss a beat. Never once can I recall tears from a fall (with the exception of the other day in Momma and Daddy's big bathtub - yep, she was racing up and down the tub even with us trying to control her, slipped and I am pretty sure my reaction FREAKED her out more than anything). Instead, whether she falls from walking or stumbles when playing, she just carries on.... tough cookie, she is.

*She is still an AMAZING sleeper, I mean AMAZING. Waking up at 8:30 most mornings, napping from about 10:30 - 12:15, napping again from about 2:45 - 4:30 and bed by 8:15. She actually asks to take her naps when she is playing sometimes... she will just look at you and all the sudden say "nigh-nigh".... we go back to her room, lay her down and she is out! AMAZING.

*Most mornings, and after every nap, we basically have to go get her because she will not make a peep when she wakes up... she will just sit there and literally lounge on the bumper pads with one foot up just sucking on her pacis and relaxing. It is ridiculous.

*Every time we take her from the crib we ask her where her pacis go... and everytime, she immediately throws them back into the crib. Them? Yes... Eleanor sleeps with about 6 pacis because she is known for throwing them in her sleep. We often go get her in the morning to find 3-4 thrown around the room.

*She is SO good at following directions... for example, she loves shoes. So even though we try not to let her, she often finds ANYONE'S shoes to play with... when we discover her, we normally just have to tell her to take them to Momma, for example. And she always does... takes and drops off her shoes to whomever they belong to without debate. When it is time for bed at night, whoever puts her down will tell her to kiss and say "nigh-nigh" to whoever isn't, she walks to us, gives us a big slobbery kiss, then walks to her room saying "nigh-nigh" the rest of the way. So sweet.

*She is talking up a storm... SO wish I knew what half of it was, but her favorite words are Momma, Daddy, Da-Da (Dot Dot), uh-oh (not doubt her VERY favorite word), wa-wa (water), bebe (baby), shhhh (shoes), puhhh (puppy), bye-bye (no doubt her second very favorite word), nigh-nigh, ti-ti-ti (tickle, tickle), nannanna (banana), Nanna, Pa-Paw, ba-ba (bottle), ha (hot) and numi (yummy).

*She LOVES milk and LOVES water. Girlfriend goes through 2-3 sippy cups of water a day, easy.

*She is a ham - absolutely LOVES to be the center of attention and actually knows when she is not and works for it. Her current favorite is to give you the biggest, hardest, CHEESIEST smile that squishes up her entire face and shows all of her gums just to get you to notice her. She does this to us, to family, to strangers... especially when she thinks she has done something cool and wants you to notice (like playing her xylophone, or something).

*She loves to tickle people's toes.... it all started about a week ago, but she sees toes and she is off to ti-ti-ti them, so random!

*She has started to cuddle again... love it. Mostly when she gets up from naps, but even sometimes when she is playing she will just stop and climb up on us to cuddle and kiss. Talk about melting your heart.

*She loves to kiss... and not just a little smooch, but will press her open mouth against us for about 10 seconds while making a loud smooching sound... all while hugging our necks pretty tightly. (I love it). 

*She has started having separation issues a little bit... mainly when we are not home and she isn't comfortable with her surroundings, but she has become quite attached to her daddy and momma.

*She loves playing with other kids, but unfortunately does not understand how to be soft or to share. She typically steals toys and to get friend's attention either hits or sits on them... we are working on it. I really think she is trying to play, but girlfriend needs to get it figured out before BR #2 arrives.

*She is into everything and definitely has a mind of her own. She knows the difference between right and wrong and makes a very obvious face when she knows she is doing wrong. Normally, if she is going to touch or do something that we have told her not to do, she shakes her head and says "no-no-no" over and over WHILE doing what we told her not to. How can you not laugh at that? It is hilarious, but also means she may be giving us a run for our money pretty soon.

*She loves to brush her hair, herself. After every bath she does this while we put on lotion and clothes. If it is momma's brush, even better.

*She still loves to jump - after every nap, or even first think in the morning as soon as you pick her up she starts jumping in your arms like she is on a horse. Grandpa mentioned this could prove to be expensive for us, as she probably will want a horse soon. Great.

*If she does something and we laugh, you can pretty much guarantee that you will see the same behavior repeated ten to fifteen more times... she loves to get a rise out of us, or really any audience, so if it works, she sticks to it. So there are a lot of things that she does that we regret laughing at... and OFTEN we have to hold it in until she is not looking so we don't encourage whatever it is she is doing.... example, she started throwing her food pieces on the floor and saying "uh-oh" everytime, because one time she accidentally dropped a piece and said "uh-oh"... a "funny" habit we are now trying to break. Another time she had her finger up her nose and Momma gasped and said "get your finger out of your nose".... Eleanor then belly laughed like I have never head before and continued to jam her finger all the way to her brain over and over, while laughing.  Lovely.

*She is still in size 3-12 month clothes... yep, that is the large range that she can wear. If it is pajamas, we are basically in 12 month because of length... dresses, tops, shorts.... we can wear anywhere in that range, but the majority of her clothes are still 9 months.

*She still rides in the carseat she came home from the hospital in... doesn't even know what she is missing out on yet, but we are hoping to transition her soon (even though with her weight and height we don't need to) so that she is used to the next seat when BR #2 comes.

*She loves to talk on the phone... but not the real phone, she doesn't get that. She will do speaker, but mainly always thinks everyone is Daddy. If it is not really a phone, she talks on it all day (when I ask her who she is talking to she always says Daddy).

*She knows where her ears, nose (the inside too - yuck) and hair are... still working on eyes, mouth and belly.

*She can count to 3... it normally takes prompting and sometimes repeating after us, but every once in a while she will just count to 3... this is because the only way I could keep her still when changing her diaper for the last few months was if I counted the steps of the process to 3.

*She copies EVERYTHING we do.... noises, especially. When Daddy gives her a raspberry, she gives him a raspberry, when we pop our tongue on the roof of our mouth, she does, when we say ouch, she says ouch. She is watching everything, soaking it up and repeating behaviors like crazy... yikes, time to watch our words, tones and behaviors!

*Not quite sure how she picked up on this (probably from copying us) but we don't use the nose sucker anymore; Eleanor knows how to blow her nose! It is hilarious and quite helpful.

*She has started to blow on her food as if it was hot.... typically, she is blowing on grapes or sliced turkey; she is completely confused.

*She loves to turn lights off and on.

*You ask her what snakes do? She sticks out her tongue... thanks Pa-Paw :).

*Her hair is long enough to put in a fountain head ponytail... and she leaves it in all day. Bows are still not her favorites, but every once in awhile we will have one stay put for a few hours. When she pulls her bows out, she always brings them back to me but tries to put them in her own hair... if I do it, she takes it right back out... meaning once a bow is out, its out.

*Her favorite foods are: Chick-fil-a nuggets (oops), turkey, bananas, grapes, bagels (cinnamon raisin), flavored yogurt, sweet potatoes, lasagna, apples, black beans, clementine oranges, watermelon and chicken.


Anonymous said…
What no Pictures of Miss Pumpkin Bottom!! DotDot

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