16 Weeks

I was looking at where I was at 16 weeks when I was pregnant with Eleanor to find that:
a. I was really excited to think I had felt butterflies in my tummy
b. I had already purchased a crib for her nursery

Here the second time around, I have yet to have butterflies (but let's be honest, I was probably way-over assuming any movements with Eleanor) and well, we are not going to do a second nursery until Baby Rector #2 arrives... my how things change :).

One of BJ and I's very favorite things (um, now that we have done it once) would be NOT finding out the gender of the baby until he/she makes their arrival in the delivery room... it is truly as close to magical as it gets (see here). Because of this and because Eleanor will still very much be a baby when her little sister/brother arrives, we have decided to wait on the nursery until we know it BR #2 is a boy or a girl. We are believers in the bassinet (hence the title) and so our newest addition will start in our room anyways.... giving us time to decide whether or not the two will share a room. If we have another girl, no question they will share seeing as we only have a 3-bedroom house... if we have a little boy, Eleanor will probably move to a big girl room (with a crib)... we just aren't going to rush that process before we meet BR #2.

We are already praying fervently that Eleanor and BR #2 will be the closest of friends... best friends, at that. Brother or Sister, it is our biggest hope that our children will LOVE, respect and ENJOY one another.... having them as close as they will be at only 15 months apart, we pray that this only enables their friendship even more from the very beginning.

BR #2.... I can't wait to feel those little butterflies... I can't wait to feel you kick, move and tumble around in my tummy. I am ecstatic to meet your little face for the first time and for you to join our little family. We love you, sweet one.


Kim said…
I just LOVE the fact that you are preggo again! (Just had to share that!) :)
Annie Houston said…
so glad your weekly pregnancy updates are back again! i LOVE reading them! p.s.--you look gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
i can't tell you how happy and overjoyed i am for you & beej! all your children will be so blessed of the LORD! i thank GOD for favoring you both and entrusting you with those mighty "arrows" !!

love & shalom ~ aunt lynn
Lifethrualinds said…
So excited for you guys! I love that your kids will be so close. I am sure they will love it growing up. Prayers for an easy pregnancy and delivery!

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