
Showing posts from October, 2012

Our Game Changer

What??? A post that is not going to revolve around my kids.... that is unheard of! Correct... unheard of. However, I just have to write out the changes that have happened in the Rector family to remember how our world has just been rocked over the course of this summer. Rewind to October 2011.... I had my last wedding with DFW Events, where I had worked for almost four years. But knowing that Baby #2 was about to make their entrance, BJ and I both felt like it was time for me to transition home... a dream come true for both of us. We were COMPLETELY walking by faith on this one... BJ was in a sales job (fully commissioned) and there really was no guarantee of his salary.... but after praying over it for the duration of my pregnancy, we both felt like the Lord was calling me to stay home and so we would trust that He ALONE is our provider, not BJ. Maybe five minutes after Tripper boy was born, (not really, but you get the idea) BJ scheduled some networking coffee meetings with individ

Karen is...

I don't do this very often any more.  Write blog entries that is.  So I have been thinking recently about wanting to bless Karen.  I need to first say that there are many reasons that she is worth blessing.  There are multiple ways in which she blesses me.  I know of no more lasting and descriptive way to encourage her and remind the people in our lives what a tremendous person she is, than the use of words in written form. Karen is a centrist Christian woman.  I use the term centrist because there are fringe ideologies (not unimportant, just not most important) which do not bear the weight of essential gospel identity.  She keeps herself very close to the center truths that Jesus taught.  There are lots of deep and impressive aspects she knows about scripture and christian living.  But when she lives and teaches and speaks with people you will hear a central focal idea.  Jesus has given her the passion to embrace people and share wisdom very eloquently and with out hesitatio

Tripp :: 10 Months Old

Buddy! You are 10 months old.... and we are LOVING this stage. This month has definitely been one of many firsts, and like I say every month, went by at lightening speed! It seems like every day you are not only learning, but doing, something new and more of your little personality is starting to shine through. Sure, we definitely had some rough spots, but by and by you have turned out to be quite the keeper. We are just so thankful for you, for your health, for your continued growth and for the miracle you are.... we do not take our days with you for granted and pray that we never do... even the hard ones. Speaking of hard.... how about them teeth, little guy?? I can finally say we have pushed through the hardest part (to date) and your top teeth are in! WOOHOO! Not going to lie, you rocked a one-tooth-magoo look most of this month and you were the butt of many jokes. We are SO glad that other big tooth decided to join the party... if for nothing else, for sleep's sak