Tripp :: One Month Old

Yay little buddy - today (Christmas day!) is your ONE month birthday! This month has been just a whirlwind... I can honestly say that I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like only a moment ago we were in the hospital with you, snuggling up and getting to know you... and yet at the same time, I feel like having you home is so familiar as if you have been here for much longer. You are an ABSOLUTE delight... the perfect addition to our little family and we love everything about you! I just cannot get enough of you - the newborn stage is just so fleeting and honestly, one of my favorites. You are so precious, so small, so sleepy... I guess having Eleanor and seeing the busy-body that she is makes me truly sentimental for the short time we have you as our "baby".... a few things I want to remember about your first month of life:

*We came home from the hospital when you were four days old... Dot-Dot had moved in to help us seeing as I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than you for six weeks; darn! What a help she has been... she spends Monday-Friday with us and keeps our house clean, organized, with food on the table and still has time to entertain Eleanor. What a blessing!
*Eleanor LOVES you... it took her about 3-4 days, but now she cannot get enough of you. She calls you "Tipp" and never wants to leave the room without kissing you. She is such a "helper" and loves to bring me your paci, blankets, burp rags, diapers.... she also always asks to hold you. So we let her sit down and pretend to hold you sometimes to make her day. You love her too... or you will, you are too sleepy now to know :).
*You purse your lips like a duck just like Daddy.. and Eleanor.
*When we left the hospital, you weighed 7lbs 3oz... at your week checkup you weighed 7lbs 11oz and at your two week checkup you weighted 8lbs 7oz... yay! You are a good little eater!
*You are an AMAZING sleeper.... it started almost immediately after birth, but the first night we had you home you gave us about 4.5 hours of straight sleep, the next night about 5 and because you are doing so great at gaining weight Dr. Neely said to let you sleep.... so a typical night you feed about 10pm then again at 6am... that is 8 hours, little guy... THANK YOU!
*For the first few weeks of your life, you slept on my chest... I did this with Eleanor too. I absolutely love nothing more than snuggling with you, sweet boy. Most nights, I would have you sleep with me after your mid-night feed... but seeing as you are such a great sleeper, you really don't start sleeping on my chest until about 6:30amish.

*During the day you eat about every 2-2.5 hours... love that you understand the concept of cluster feeding!
*Unfortunately, you have already had your first cold. YUCK. There has been nothing worse than seeing your sweet little self coughing and stopped-up.... it has made Momma and Daddy feel quite helpless. Eleanor got daddy sick, daddy got you sick, you got me sick and now hopefully I am making you better by feeding you... you haven't had a fever, but my word you have had quite the rough go.... we even had to do the baby heimlich maneuver on you a few times. Um... not fun, quite scary and sweet boy - I am so sorry!

*You have a full head of white blond hair - and kind of a mullet, if we are being honest. 
*We have only ventured out to church once since you were born... you were 2 weeks old and you slept like a snug bug the entire time.... but it has been rainy or freezing (or we were sick) the other weeks, so it just was not worth getting you out!
*You sleep in Momma and Daddy's room in your bassinet... but little boy, you SNORE. It took us about 2 weeks to get used to it... you were sleeping, we were not. We threatened to move you to the bathroom or the closet, but never did :).
*It has been quite the learning curve adjusting to a baby boy's diaper... mainly, the fact that at least once a day you pee all over us and all over yourself and your clothes, the wall, the bedding... you get the picture :).

 *You love to nap in the swing... and Eleanor loves to rock your swing, yikes!
*We have tried tummy time a couple of times and you are a fan - you will hang out on your tummy for about 5 minutes or so before you start "asking" to get up!
*You have great head control - whenever we are holding you up on our shoulder, you love to pick your head up and look around... sometimes you will look us directly in the face... hilarious!
*We took newborn pictures with you when you were about 9 days old... you peed on the photographer 3 times and pooped on Momma once. Lovely.
*You love bath time - you always give a shocked gasp when the water first hits you, but then you normally just sit and stare the rest of the time. When you are cold, your little bottom lip quivers and it is too cute.
*We have maybe heard you cry a total of 4 times. Literally. When you cry, you sound like a duck quacking... and you purse your little lips to make a frowny face and it will melt the hardest of hearts.
*We haven't heard a laugh yet, but you have cracked a smile or two a few times.... we aren't 100% sure if it was gas or a true smile, but the little dimple on your cheek is just about the sweetest thing you'll ever see.
*Weyland and Emily had baby Chapel and John and Tina had baby Caleb this past month.... Daddy and I can't wait to see you grow up with these kiddos... what a blessing!
I WILL sound like a broken record, but baby boy, you have literally added more joy and meaning to our days in just this short amount of time. Sometimes it is still hard for me to process that I have a son, but by golly it has been the greatest experience... having you here has only enhanced my love for daddy, Eleanor and the Lord... you have made my heart grow by leaps and bounds. Of course I want time to slow down because I know before I blink you will be crawling, running, talking... but I also can't wait to see the little man you will grow to be and I just could burst dreaming about the fun we will have. Little boy, we LOVE you. You bring us so much joy and having you in our family has only made us better - Tripper buddy, you are the best!


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