33 Weeks

This past week we celebrated Momma and Daddy's anniversary... it is hard to believe we have only been married for 3 years and in just a few short weeks will have 2 babies in our home!! It is times like these when I kind of look at us and laugh... so I wonder what the rest of the world thinks (like it matters). I wish I had some lavish, beautiful story about our anniversary this year.... but honestly, we both had to work and barely even saw each other! We are planning on celebrating soon... just need to get through these last couple of weeks working!

As far as you go, BR #2... you can tell from the picture to the right that you are getting big! At least, you better be because Momma is getting big! I feel you up in my rib cage, I feel you down in my hip flexors.... and we have been watching you do the wave now for a few days slowly across my tummy with either a foot or an elbow. I forgot how fun it is to see those deliberate movements, but I also forgot how much they hurt. I'll be honest... it is not comfortable at all and there have been few times where a kick will take my breath away.... very similar to your sister - so you will either dance or play soccer... and I bet you dance right out of my tummy like Eleanor did (little girl still dances... from the moment she was about 4 weeks old doing her "kick starts" to now!). So if you look up to her at all, I imagine we will have quite the busy-body little kiddos!

This week... we are praying strength, courage and confidence over you..... in light of the beatitude where Christ claims that the righteous will be persecuted... we trust and pray that this includes you. Of course the last thing in the world I want for you, precious one, would be that you feel persecuted... such a strong term.... similar words or ideas of persecution could be as simple as being made fun of, badgered, mocked or excluded... and quite frankly, regardless of your salvation you will definitely experience one if not all of these at some point in your life. But we pray that in light of being a child of God, you can stand confident - against the grain - not afraid to stand up for what you believe in even if it costs you popularity, friends or status. Know this... your reward is Christ, your reward is in heaven... nothing in this life that would serve as a "reward" even lasts, including popularity, friends or your status. So, knowing that you are coming into a world full of competition and exclusivity, we truly just pray that you have confidence in who and WHOSE you are... that you will not be shaken, nor disillusioned by the temptation to fit in, denying yourself. I hope I am not making light of this beatitude.... but I feel like it is pretty weighty.... one thing we promise you is to be honest with you growing up... talk about everything... including how BLESSED you are to live in a country where you are FREE to believe, worship and be who you are. Sweet one, it is not that way across the world and there are many who live a tortured life and ultimately lose it on behalf of their belief in Christ. Their confidence rests solely in the promise that great is their reward in heaven, great is their reward in Christ... may your little struggles, confidence shakers, be easy to overcome in the reality of your freedom.

Matthew 5:10
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

James 5:11
"Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast..."

1 Corinthians 7:22-23
"For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a slave of Christ. You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men."


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