19 Weeks

Well, it is official..... YOU ARE A KICKER!! I L.O.V.E. every single bit of it!!! I don't know why I have been so anxious to feel them (probably because my memories of pregnancy last time was the 3rd trimester when Eleanor danced in my tummy all day long), but it just feels SO good to have those little butterflies at different times throughout the day! For the most part, it seems like you are most active between 8-10pm.... I am okay with that, but we need to start training you on moving that time up a little bit... we don't want you to have your days and nights confused, now would we?!?!

Speaking of days and nights, really it has been on my heart to pray for your sleeping.... not going to lie, Eleanor was just a dream baby (no pun intended) but came out of the womb on the perfect schedule and has never looked back. We know that how easy it has been with her played a large role in our excitement to find out we were pregnant again.... and while we don't deserve it, and in NO way will be disappointed in you if you aren't, I do pray that the Lord would bless you in this way. I watch and hear from so many friends who getting babies on schedules has been anything but easy, or some with colic (which Momma had as a baby, so I could be due for a payback)... I just pray that the Lord protects your sleeping / eating / awake times from a very early age. That you would be peaceful and restful, because you feel safe in the arms of Momma and Daddy in our home. Petty prayer to some, but truly a prayer from us..... for now, kick all day and night long, just keep growing healthy and strong... we love you!

PS.... horrible cravings have ensued. Specifically, I ate Chick-fil-a FOUR times in the last five days. Absolutely shameful. And if I am not careful, I may be the size of a dump-truck by the time you arrive. YIKES.


Anonymous said…
that is not a "petty prayer" at all and i am praying it along with you! GOD can do all things!!
LOVE & SHALOM to y'all!
aunt lynn : )
Erin & Doug said…
Karen - you look great! Don't worry about the Chick Fil A...I was HUGE with both boys...
The power of prayer is amazing - I will pray for an easy baby for you as I know that is truly a gift to have a second baby that is a good sleeper...especially when you are chasing a toddler!

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