17 weeks

So, not my favorite week thus far on round 2.... not BR #2's fault, but I caught a vicious little cold that just knocked me off of my feet. I found myself finally starting to feel like I was coming out of the morning sickness fog of the past 3 months only to walk straight into what felt like the black lung. I mean, the whole sha-bang.... lost my voice, scratchy throat, coughed and coughed and coughed until my body convulsed, and longed for my bed the moment I stepped out of it everyday. Lovely!

This little bug kind of made me a nervous ninny with BR #2... you always are, sweet one, but you were like CONSTANTLY on my mind. I felt like the ferocious nature of my coughing must have felt like massive turbulence to you - so sorry about that. What it did provide, however, was just a faithful reminder to lift you up in prayer... just like we did with Eleanor, we a fervently praying that you would continue to develop HEALTHY, strong and absolutely perfect according to your Creator. Ultimately, you belong to Him; we are just your caretakers here on earth... in a week of feeling very helpless to support you, this brought Momma great comfort.... you are the Lords, not ours. He is the giver, the sustainer of life... of your life. I celebrate that fact today, sweet one... because Momma and Daddy LOVE you, and this pales in comparison to His great love - such confidence we have because of Him. Precious BR #2, grow strong, be comfy and know that from the moment you were conceived until the day that pig's fly.... you are LOVED.


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