15 Weeks

So here we are again.... on the road to meeting Baby Rector #2, and starting our little bump series so that we can remember what my body goes through (such a labor of love if you ask me, pun intended) as well as begin preparing ourselves, Eleanor and our little growing addition to the blessing that their life will add to our home.

Many people, friends, family and strangers alike, have not been shy to ask the question: "Um, was this a SURPRISE?!"... what, you mean it is not normal to get pregnant with your second when your first is only 7 months old? My honest answer - Yes. This little nugget was a surprise... but like, surprise you won the lottery, or surprise your mortgage has been paid off or surprise candy is the best source for vitamins and minerals. No, BJ and I were not trying... but we were ready to start... adding Eleanor to our life has been nothing shy of amazing. The thought of another one makes my heart skip a beat out of the JOY I can't help but feel!

Here is the real, transparent deal... when BJ and I got married, we were not sure how easy it would be to have children... it took my mom 10 years before she was able to have my brother, then myself and my sister. Because of bad decisions I made earlier in my life, I put my fertility chances in jeopardy all to be a size smaller... stupid. Well, these two vices combined made BJ and I agree that after Eleanor was born (our FIRST surprise) we would wait until the 6 month clear (C-section rules from my doctor) but that we would just see what happened... well, apparently it happened again :).

I feel so very humbled, so VERY humbled, that the Lord has had favor on our childbearing thus far... my heart literally breaks knowing that there are women out there who ache to the core to experience motherhood. The few that I know often come to my mind when I consider God's gift to BJ and I. We are undeserving for the ease this process has been for us.... humbled.

So at 15 weeks this time around... I am still battling morning sickness (which of course lasts all day and unfortunately has not only lasted longer than did with Eleanor, but is much worse... blah.), I have been showing since about 8 weeks (yep, even had a STRANGER - a man, of course - congratulate me... yikes), I am EX.HAUS.TED... like, Eleanor takes a nap and so does Mommy kind of tired and bed by 9:00pm tired. Heartburn seems to rear its vicious little head every once in a while, and instead of cravings I am basically having an aversion to everything (this is FINALLY getting a bit better). The only thing I do crave.... Freebirds. Lovely.

Little one, I know one thing already.... YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT. We love you, we love you, we love you and we can't WAIT for you to get here - it is an honor to carry you in this growing tummy!


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