It's the little things...

So BJ and I have kind of had a whirlwind of a month, if not the last few months. We returned from our Babymoon only to move into our new house the very day we landed! Coupling that with the return of wedding season (woohoo!), BJ's new job and planning for a baby... well, it has been busy.

Needless to say (hopefully), there are a lot of projects on our house that we have not had time to do yet! It seems like we moved in and tried to settle quickly (settle defined: made the house livable until we have time to get it the way that we want it). There are TONS of ideas we have... many that are slowly starting to take shape, many that will take time (due to money, baby and money). But this past weekend, we got off to a great start... where do you begin in a home? Well, easy answer for BJ and Karen... the toilets!!

When we moved in, our bathroom toilets were adorned with these beauties:
Just in case you cannot tell, this picture is of a PADDED toilet seat. (This is not an exact picture of OUR padded toilet seats, but it gives you a frame of reference.) Now, nothing against you folks who enjoy some extra cushion while doing your duties... but to BJ and I, this completely sicked us out! So behold... the new toilet seats...

That is right folks, they are the NO SLAM seats... gotta learn to love the small things! I am not kidding, it has literally brightened my week... is that SO SAD?


Jenna said…
Woohooo!!!!! De-grossifying your toilet seats and babyproofing at the same time... way to go Knasty.
Mindy Rives said…
Thank goodness...that rip in the master bath toilet seat was frightening.

Can wait to try out the new a improved potties at the Rector home!

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